Boys & Girls Club

Boys and Girls Club of North Central Illinois Logo

We have joined forces with Boys and Girls Clubs to encourage kids to go out of their way to be kind to someone else. We provide their clubs with resources that help uphold Kendall’s legacy. On the 12th of each month their clubs participate in random acts of kindness and remind those around them not to overlook the small things, like smiling at someone in the hallway or calling to check up on a friend.

“Being kind is easy, but often overlooked in our busy everyday lives, yet it makes such a difference.” For more information about Boys and Girls Clubs, please visit

About Kendall

Kendall was diagnosed in 2015 with ADHD and in 2021 with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder, recurrent, moderate. She wanted to beat this and to be happy, she worked hard at group and individual therapy and was planning for the future. Unexpectedly on October 11, 2021 she lost her battle to suicide.

Kendall portrait